The Enneagram is a tool gaining traction worldwide in organizations such a Barclays, the Federal Reserve, Google, Heineken and Stanford University. All of our services include the Integrative Enneagram Report (iEQ9), a comprehensive, professional leadership assessment that I use with leaders to go from “meh” to rock star.

Enneagram Personal
Use the power of iEQ9 intelligent and dynamic technology to find yourself on the Enneagram map. Discover the layers of your Core Type, Centers of Intelligence (head, heart and gut), Lines, Wings, Subtype and Levels of Integration. Your personal custom report opens up more powerful pathways to development.
- Core Enneagram TypesMotivation,
- Behaviour, Psychodynamics
- Blindspots, Strengths and
- Challenges
- Centers of Expression
- Triadic Center Styles
- 27 Subtypes
- Wing-Influence
- Self-Awareness and Integration
- Strain Levels
- Lines of Tension and Release
- Communication
- Giving and Receiving feedback
- Feedback Guide for all Types
- Conflict and Triggers
- Decision Making
- Leadership and Management
- Team Behaviour
- Coaching Relationships
Enneagram Professional
How does your unique profile affect you in the workplace and how can you be more effective?
Your personalized Professional Report explores themes like Communication, Leadership and Teamwork and is widely used in business and corporate environments.
- Core Enneagram TypesMotivation,
- Behaviour, Psychodynamics
- Blindspots, Strengths and
- Challenges
- Centers of Expression
- Triadic Center Styles
- 27 Subtypes
- Wing-Influence
- Self-Awareness and Integration
- Strain Levels
- Lines of Tension and Release
- Communication
- Giving and Receiving feedback
- Feedback Guide for all Types
- Conflict and Triggers
- Decision Making
- Leadership and Management
- Team Behaviour
- Coaching Relationships
The iEQ9. Customized to your personality, you will get a rigorous report on your leadership strengths, thinking habits, behavior defaults, blind spots plus over 40 spot-on suggestions for being more effective in your role and with your team.
The assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete. Your report will provide you with extensive information about your strengths, blind spots, thinking habits, and loads of information to inform you on how to develop yourself into a highly-effective leader.
What is the iEQ9?

The iEQ9 is a 42-page comprehensive, detailed, insightful report on your specific traits that influence your leadership style PLUS development tips on how you can be more effective in core leadership skills such as strategic thinking, and communication. It is the “GOLD STAR” standard for Enneagram reports.

The reports are written specifically for use within business and corporate environments, including complex cross-functional teams. The iEQ9 covers areas most leaders think about such as Communication, Conflict, Decision-making, Leadership, Teamwork, Giving and Receiving Feedback.

Practical Tips
Your iEQ9 offers useful suggestions to help you apply strategies to the major areas a leader faces in the workplace. There are pragmatic tips that you can apply immediately and also for a lifetime. Adding 1:1 Development offers support and accountability so you can achieve your leadership & team goals.